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21/06/2022 3 nights at the Royal Saint George Yacht Club

(not enough data to upload the photos just yet)

We arrived and met Ed Robson and were just in time for supper at the Royal Saint George Yacht Club on Saturday and it was delicious. We then proceeded to the National Yacht Club for some post supper drinks and dancing. Harry’s memory is hazy but Noah claims Harry and Bourke then retired to Maud to have some post supper post dancing drinks until the early hours. Harry claims it was civilised…

Sunday arrived (again in some peoples cases..)! Ed and Noah went to weather-spoons for breakfast, Harry dozed… Another delicious lunch at the Royal Saint George and then an afternoon relaxing.

To cut a long story short, we waved off Richard Keane yesterday, thank you Richard for being great company! Ed, Harry, Peter and Noah are now motoring on flat seas down the Irish Sea towards Kilmore Quay with an ETA of around 17:00. Ed and Wilson have spent most of the day dozing, Harry has got over what he claims was food poisening and cooked bacon and egg sandwiches.

Enjoying sunshine, fingers crossed it will stay - we will try and remain more active on the blog actually we haven’t done anything very exciting to warrant daily updates!

Catch you later.


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