The seas did build yesterday and the three visiting crew members turned a little green, more breakfast for Harry and Noah - Wilson had an aquavit. Talking of breakfast, Harry took on the task in the galley which was no mean feat given the vicious rolling about! Let's just say the order was for fried eggs but scrambled were delivered - and Noah still had the cheek to say "I prefer fried eggs in my breakfast and my bread toasted..."!!!
We were booked in for supper at the most fabulous restaurant in Bangor "The Boat House" for a 7 course tasting menu "A night at the Echlinville Distillery with the O Tiarnaigh's" and my god was it good!!! Look at the menu below and some rather gloomy looking photos of the food which really does it no justice, it was to die for - all of it. As was the Gin and tonic that kicked us off and the differing whisky that accompanied every course. Some light, some dark and some weak and some terribly strong. The service was also impeccable and extremely friendly - the best evening of the trip so far and makes Scotland a pleasantly distant memory (excluding the fine hospitality at the Bourke's)! I think the fact we arrived at 8 and left gone midnight tells a story - even Wilson ate it all. (Don't worry he still made the odd criticism along the way!)
Back to the boat and straight to bed.
This morning Wilson, Keane, Embleton and di Paola took the boat round to the fuel birth, more diesel (our first £2+ per ltr fill up...) - we met Bourke and his clan who came armed with cases of beer and shopping and we are now seven aboard for our trip to Dublin today. Three irishman, a scotsman, Wilson and a solicitor - what's the worst that could happen. Harry and Noah have left them to it and are in their bunks typing this! Harry beginning to itch and join the fun but we know what happens if he starts too early. Noah has sensibly got the iPad which mirrors the main chart plotter and can even steer the boat with it from bed - keeping a watchful eye. Looking forward to meeting Ed Robson in Dublin who is joining us for a week - due about 9pm (unless Noah falls asleep and Harry puts the hammers down!)
Catch up soon...
Harry & Noah