Our first trip back to sea since we arrived back from out journey around the UK in July. We congregated on the pontoon at 09:20, well two of the crew were late... 7 of us in total aboard and we left the mooring at 09:40.
As we approached Orford Harry turned the galley into a 'greasy spoon' cafe and took orders for breakfast. Wilson at the helm. A stunning calm day, what luck!
We arrived into Harwich at about 12:30 and tied up along the Halfpenny pier and instantly went ashore to the Alma pub for drinks and lunch, great to meet Corkey to make us 8 in total too! Then more drinks, then some more and eventually bed. Great fun and lunch kindly paid for by Peter C.
Morning was upon us and not all bright eyed and bushy tailed. We went to "The Pier" hotel for breakfast kindly bought by Alan R - and very delicious it was too.
Hot, sunny and relatively calm seas for our return journey and as I type we are going past the "Cobra Mist" building on the Alde. Mooring eta 12:30 and ashore for 13:00ish.
A lovely trip, will there be another before the season is out... hope so.
