The weather yesterday was absolutely sublime, we could easily have been on the Mediterranean, except the views were better here in Scotland! Noah made one of his increasingly famous salads whilst we were under way, sadly famous for food poisoning rather than taste... only joking! It was delicious.
Due to our delayed decent down Neptune's Staircase it was impossible to make it in time for the sea lock into the Crinan basin. Which meant we birthed for the night in the open lock itself which was interesting and noisy. due to the flowing water out of the canal, but no matter as it meant we could climb the ladder ashore, slightly nerve racking however for some of the less gazelle like members of the crew!
We saw one of Peter's old yachts, Hiltgund, and of course it was in post office red as it was when he had had her. The owner is a friend of Peters and we all went out to the Crinan Hotel for supper, where Alan very kindly treated us to supper - delicious!
In the night the weather turned typically Scottish, boiling hot and dry as a bone... monsoon like in truth. Lots of complaining from Noah in night due to the multiple leaks over his side of the boat, Harry got out his ear plugs but sadly not to drown out Noah but to plug the holes above Noah's head!!!
09:00 lock was filled and into the Crinan we went - still raining but spirits high nonetheless. We are following Hiltgund and Noah is at the Helm (seems to have cheered him up). Binne and Harry have the short straw and are in and out of the boat doing the lines in the rain - Alan is coking up something that smells delicious in the galley!
Manual locks today urgh!