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07/06/2022 Locked out of the lock yesterday afternoon and locking out of the Caledonian today!

Yesterday we continued to meander our way through the Caledonian with a view of getting through a group of locks in a row aptly nicknamed "Neptune's Staircase" - we arrived at the first of the locks and radioed the lock keeper... no response. Noah and Harry hopped ashore and wandered down the long hill to the very bottom lock in search of a lock keeper or any sign of lock action - nothing. We were aware that they finish at 17:30 and it was 15:30 at this point and it would take at least an hour or so to get through the locks - time was running out. We found a note with a number to call - no answer. Tried again 10 minutes later to be told that now that it is 16:00 we cannot go through until 08:30 the following morning - a big set back as we now won't make it into the Crinan Canal today because we will miss the last lock entrance in due to the long time it took to get cracking this morning. We found more mediocre food at a nearby hotel, went back the boat, had a whisky or two and a cigar or two and then went to bed. Oh, Noah made Binnie have a cheese string, he didn't like it very much (picture below).

10 locks we have done this morning and we are finally underway!!!

Alan cooked a delicious breakfast whilst Harry and Binnie managed the bow and stern lines ashore through the locks. Noah kept an eye on the helm and Wilson smoked cigars and took his pills with a shot of aquavit, barking the occasional order!

Catch up later,


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Jun 07, 2022

Not a bad place to have to moor up…. Shame about the grub, but fantastic weather

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